Friday, April 30, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I was trying very hard to get a zillion things done yesterday before the rain came, and I was not successful. I was trying to finish mowing the yard, putting in garden and helping the girls paint the new shed. Not to mention, my youngest sounded like a seal in Frisco Bay! His allergies came something fierce and that just prompted a horrible asthma attack.
It's hard to concentrate when you're 3 year old can't breathe.
I did not know that two little girls could go through a gallon of paint so fast and actually get quite a bit on where they were supposed to!
Well, tonight we get to go to a fundraiser for our local homeless shelter. The neighbor's that I stalk, invited us.(They must not be too weirded out :-) I'll let you know how it goes. Then on Sat, we have a barbecue to go to. Whew, Sunday is our day of rest, maybe, depends on how much gets done on Sat. Oh well.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blogger's Block!

Oh my, I have just been in la-la land lately.
We've just taken a quick weekend trip last weekend and have had rain, rain, and more rain! I've been trying to put up my garden, but I keep getting thwarted every time I head outside. On the upside, the kids have been having a heyday with all the earthworms that have appeared.
As far as my wonderful blog, it has been neglected and I apologize to it.
But I am back and full of things to do and to say. (sorta) And on a upbeat, the other half finished the new shed, so now it's time for me to get the old one outfitted for CHICKENS!! I'm stoked, but I may have to call in a few favors from some dear friends of mine, since I also think that the other half isn't as excited as I about our new found feathered friends..... He'll come around.
I'll keep all posted on the construction and have before pictures in a day or two.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Just a few pictures

Just a few things that are blooming around the Hacienda. Our Plum tree is in full bloom and the Cherry is getting ready to pop at any moment!
We've had an enjoyable week and it's only half over. So far the children are thriving in the sun and wind. The treehouse has never had so much use! Allergies are at a minimum and eczema is tolerable.
Going to get moving on my garden. I am convinced that all threat of any frost is over and am going to begin! My lovely neighbors(the ones I stalk) gave me two rhubarb crowns and I can't wait to get them into the ground. Granted when it's ready I then have to covet their strawberries and raspberries, but hey, I'm just being a good neighbor.
Well, enough writing, I'm wasting a wonderful day outside.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Harmony, Simplistic, Peace?

I am going to get insightful today. Well, as much as my little brain will let me. I have a few gripes about the world I live in.
The first is laundry. I know it's a natural process that when there are 6 beings in a confined space, things get dirty. Also said, when all of the above are outside 75% of the time. For me it's not a zen thing while I sort and pile the clothes of my loved ones into the monster I call a washing machine. Oh I do get a bit of a buzz when the process is all over and things are folded and put away, but it is fleeting. The next time I turn around, the baskets are full and ready to go again. I keep trying to call upon the laundry gnomes and fairies, but they do not heed my call, maybe some of you know what I am doing wrong.
The second beef I have in the world is bathrooms. I detest cleaning them, it is not a wonderful thing. There is no magic formula to make it any easier. If there is a trick, I would love to hear it. I am at the end of my toilet brush. I guess I could hire a cleaning service, but I would feel like I would have to clean before they got here and that would defeat the purpose.
Those are the really the only things that get me down. If I can find balance in those things, my world would be in harmony. I guess this post wasn't as insightful as I thought, just grumpy.
On a lighter note, the sun is shining and the grass is growing, the kids are thriving and our little world is in sync. So I guess an answer to my own questions would be laundry and bathrooms be damned, revel in the moments we have now. Because remember, we are never promised tomorrow!

Monday, April 5, 2010

April Showers?

Wow, this weather has transformed my yard into a green lush, prairie!
We need to mow this weekend. On Friday it was still half brown, with patches of green and then we got a rain and boom, it all turned green. Cool.
Our Easter weekend was nice and relaxing. All kids were healthy and had lots of fun at a birthday party egg hunt and then the neighbors invited them over for another one. Thankfully they got such a haul from the friends, that the Easter Bunny didn't have to bring too much candy.
My other half is what we call a Chreaster. He only goes to church at Christmas and Easter and I do all the other Sundays of the year. Well, he actually gave me a break and loaded all four kids and took them to Easter Mass by himself! I felt a little guilty for not going, but got over it pretty quick. Enjoyed an afternoon of digging in the gardens and chatting with the neighbors, without interruptions.
Our severe weather has already started here in lovely Kansas. Twice I have had to call friends to find out if we were under the tornado watch, despite the fact that they gave me a wonderful gift of a weather radio at Christmas! I keep losing the code to our area so I haven't set it up yet. Plus, I wouldn't be able to call them and ask about the weather! I promised that I would get it done today and since they do read my blog, I probably should get it done! Thank you Longs for keeping us safe.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I AM the peeping tom, hee hee

No, not really. But I am watching out my window for my neighbor to come back with his wood chips. I would like to see what they look like before I go and get some myself.
Oh, these last few days have been absolutely wonderful!! OH, he just got back it looks like great stuff, gotta go get some. Sorry, I can get very distracted, um......
The children have been outside and dirty for the past couple of days and the ring around my tub each night proves it. They have been sleeping great and the fighting and bickering is down to a dull roar. Hmm, I guess they had cabin fever too.
All things around here are blooming like crazy. We could actually have to mow this weekend, but it's supposed to rain. I'm going to get my compost going and get my seedlings in the ground soon. Just terrified that Mother Nature is going to play the ultimate April Fool's joke and give me a deep freeze the minute I do it.
Well, the wood is calling me and I should go apologize to my neighbor for stalking him. He's a biology prof at KU, I bet he gets it alot :-)