It's truly a start to the new year for me. My husband and I took a leap and up and moved to South Dakota. I had lived in Kansas for basically my entire life, oh, I had travelled and seen other places, but I never had the nerve to really pull up stakes and move to a unknown city. We were leaving a wonderful life and spectacular friends and neighbors, but the adventure was calling me in the back of my head. We knew the kids who suffer from eczema and asthma would do better there, plus who doesn't want to see Mt. Rushmore everyday?
Job one was to get our house in Kansas sold. Well, we put it on the market and waited. And waited, and then waited a little more. We found nice renters for the place and were able to leave the chickens and barn cats in their charge. We also found a nice home in Custer, SD to rent while the search for the perfect home commenced! Well, maybe perfect is a far stretch, but at least one with no major renovations to deal with.
We're excited to have a new start in a beautiful place that we're happy to call home.