Friday, March 12, 2010

One of those days....

So far, it's day one of spring break for my older daughter and if it keeps going like this, 10 days is going to be loooong. The weather doesn't help, it's rainy and gloomy outside, the kind of day when you just want to curl up with a good book and get cozy. I'll have to see what kind of activity we can do to keep all at peace.
This week was shot due to I have no car because my other half is playing firefighter and I have no means to get anywhere. Which is particularly annoying since I have found some great things on some other sites that I'm dying to try, but I have to get the materials. Hmm, maybe this weekend.
I completed my shopping bag and I have to admit, it won't win any prizes but for a first time stab at sewing, I didn't do to bad. It's usable and looks decent, so on to my next grocery run, it will be put to use!
Hopefully this weekend will dry out, I really would like to get to my front garden bed and start transforming it into my kitchen garden. The seeds I started are coming, I just have to hope that we don't get that extremely hard freeze in late March to kill everything off. The past two years we've lost our cherries and plums to the freeze. I like to get the kids together and give them a % of what they pick when I take it to our local market. It turns out to be a pretty penny! One of these days I'll learn to can, but it's still way more than we'd eat. We've trimmed back our grapevines in hopes that they come back. After 6 years of being in the house, we haven't had the wonderful grapes that we had that first year. True be known, we really didn't have the time to get to them. We had to work so hard on the house to get it livable, that the gardens and fruits trees that were here got neglected.
Well, I have lots to do this summer, so Mother Nature had better get it into gear because I'm READY!

1 comment:

  1. H~ How nice that you have finished your shopping bag that you have been working on. It will be fun to take it on your next shopping trip. Hopefully the sun will come out soon and the "little ones" can be outdoors enjoying the fresh air. Hugs♥
