Friday, April 9, 2010

Just a few pictures

Just a few things that are blooming around the Hacienda. Our Plum tree is in full bloom and the Cherry is getting ready to pop at any moment!
We've had an enjoyable week and it's only half over. So far the children are thriving in the sun and wind. The treehouse has never had so much use! Allergies are at a minimum and eczema is tolerable.
Going to get moving on my garden. I am convinced that all threat of any frost is over and am going to begin! My lovely neighbors(the ones I stalk) gave me two rhubarb crowns and I can't wait to get them into the ground. Granted when it's ready I then have to covet their strawberries and raspberries, but hey, I'm just being a good neighbor.
Well, enough writing, I'm wasting a wonderful day outside.


  1. that is the best thing about gardeners - they are always up to share their plant stock! Happy planting.

  2. Lovely photos of spring. cheers Marie
