Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Change is good

Well, I've figured out how to change my page. I'll see how I like this, the scenery is always changing, so.....
Hump Day again! Only a week until we travel to no man's land in Nebraska. It's always nice to see the in-laws, although the last few times we've been up, I got sick. Hopefully no repeats this time. The girls have discovered in their grandfather's gravel pit that it's a paradise of rock(aka dinosaur fossils) I have several budding paleontologists in the midst. Never say never, Nebraska has an extensive collection of mammoth bones and just to the south of the in-laws there is an active dig going on. He has 600+ acres, who know, maybe we'll have the next T-Rex!
I hope to take lots of pictures while I'm there. We're close to the Missouri River and now is the best time to be there, because the rattlers aren't out yet! I am not a snake lover and that, more than anything will keep me indoors as much as I hate it.
I can tell spring is here. We have had a fortunate fall and winter with our eczema woes, but now my poor baby boy is starting to break out again. He's not bad, but I can tell the change in humidity is effecting him.
I'm off to work on the market bag that I've been trying to sew. Maybe I'll post pictures if it resembles what it should be.

1 comment:

  1. H~ Your change is so colorful! Very nice! Hugs to you!
